Nursing Times

April 2023

  • Single Issue

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The latest pay offer for Agenda for Change staff in England was announced on 16 March by the government and recommended by most unions. To help provide some clarity on what is being offered or has been agreed, part of your April issue of Nursing Times is dedicated to unpacking and explaining the pay situation across the UK. The only certainty is that it is down to nurses to decide what happens next. However, while nurse pay in the NHS may be high on the news agenda right now, this month’s Nursing Times also features a range of clinical articles on continence care ahead of the Association for Continence Advice’s annual conference in May. We look at holistic continence care for dementia patients in both hospital and community settings, and the fact that incontinence should not mean an end to dignity. We also have articles describing a continence service for chronic cough patients and explaining urinary catheter insertion in adults.