Nursing Times

October 2024

  • Single Issue

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A lot of political stock is currently – and quite rightly – being placed in digital technology as a key part of the solution to fixing the problems of the NHS and the wider health and social care system. Therefore, this month we are focusing on nursing and digital technology as the theme of our latest special edition. Inside you will find features on nurse views about government’s pledge to transform the NHS from analogue to digital and findings from our important investigation into diversity among chief nursing information officers. In addition, the clinical practice section looks in detail at the nursing skills needed for virtual wards, an innovation often namechecked when describing digital technology in healthcare. Meanwhile, in the opinion section, virtual wards are the subject of a critical assessment by Amelia Swift. Also in this section, Natasha Phillips and Catherine Hodge discuss the potential for digital technology, where we are currently going wrong with it and what we need to do in future to enjoy the benefits. The thread running through all of these articles is the essential need to fully embrace and involve nurses and midwives when designing and implementing digital technology solutions for health and social care.